Whoopie Cakes

25 Jul

Is it possible that we beat the French to a trend?

Of course whoopie pies have been a favorite on the East Coast since the 20s, but only recently reached “trendy” status.  In fact earlier this year, the whoopie pie was named the official dessert of the state of Maine!  Does California have an official dessert?  Maybe I should convene a panel to pick one…

At any rate, I subscribe to the Newsletter for a French children’s magazine, Milk.   Initially, I hoped it was a way to help me retain all that French I studied in college for my minor.  Now, it has become a source of inspiration.  I have never actually seen a copy of the magazine itself here in the states, but Jordan, of Oh Happy Day, mentioned in a recent post that she has happened upon it in San Fran.

In the latest newsletter from Milk, I noticed that they have jumped on the whoopie pie band wagon.  Or, perhaps its more of a bakers truck.  I was frankly a little surprised that these sweet, and pint-sized, cakes hadn’t become the craze in Europe that they had here sooner.  I mean if there is one thing that the French do well, its desserts!

The pies sold at La Grande Epicerie Paris are dubbed “whoopie cakes,” which honestly is probably a more appropriate name.  They sell for 3,90 Euros each, which is about $5.61 USD!     The most I’ve seen a whoopie pie sell for here in California is $3 so maybe we shouldn’t feel so guilty when we indulge ourselves?!  So start the week off right and pick up a little something sweet for yourself today.  Smile while you eat it, knowing that not only did you probably spend less than your French counterpart, but you’re one trendy step ahead of her…and I bet she can’t catch you in those heels she’s always wearing!


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