Tag Archives: avocado

Avocado Pasta

12 Sep

I saw this recipe on Pinterest and I was intrigued. I’m all for mixing strange foods and treats together! I used to eat cheeto’s and peanut butter- and not when I was preggers! Anyways…this was fettucine pasta, avocado “sauce” with pine nuts and roasted tomatoes. The avocado sauce was very easy to make.. it was 2 avocados (peeled and pitted), some olive oil, lemon juice and garlic pulsed in the food processor until smooth. You mix in the cooked pasta to coat. Add roasted tomato, pine nuts and parmesan cheeseĀ  on top and serve!

mmm… roasted!

This was a strange dish to say the least.. it was fighting between being a Mexican dish and an Italian dish. It was some confused pasta, but oddly addicting! Kid’s don’t really like strange colored paste sauce.. so this wasn’t a big hit with the youngsters.. maybe I’d try it again…maybe not. Have you ever had any weirdly combined foods?